I can remember watching Revenge of the Nerds when I was young (way to young in my opinion), however, I was not permanently scarred so all is well. Of course I had to pick it up. Now, please don't believe that I think this is an Oscar winning movie. They are fun to have playing in the background while doing something else. They also had the complete collection of Home Alone. I have 1 and 2 but they barely work anymore. I knew there was a home alone 3 but not 4. November should be a fun month. I am sure J will get a kick out of the movie as she laughs when she watches Denis the Menace. Not to worry, J will NOT be watching ROTN.
What movies from your past would you love to get your hands on?
Okay, I HAVE to get the Home Alone collection!! I would also like to get Laverne & Shirley Season 2 and Season 4+ ( I Have 1 & 3) (hint hint) heehee!!
Oh...I get the hint. hee hee! I think I may have one of those seasons. When I find it, it is yours!
I remember watching the Revenge of the Nerds. Oh the memories, heehee
I would love to get the Malcolm in the Middle series. It's too close to home that one. LOL
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