Friday, January 21, 2011

a patch, hat, scarf and a winner

Ever have one of those weeks were you felt you didn't get much accomplished but didn't seem to stop?  It was one of those for me.  This evening it is storming and it is a winter wonderland out there.  It's the perfect night to update the blog.

I have a little story to tell....

On Tuesday evening as Juliana was lying in bed trying to fall asleep she noticed one of her stuffy bears had a hole in it.  She didn't call for me to come see instead she just started crying.  We ran to her room to see what was the matter.  This was not a familiar cry. She proceed to tell us that stuffy bear had a hole.  I have never witnessed a little one so heartbroken.  She was truly worried about her bear.  In between tears she hugged and kissed it.  She asked over and over if stuffy would be okay.  I almost shed a tear seeing her in such grief. 

When I was able to calm her, I explained that we would put a patch on stuffy the next night.  In the meantime we would put a bandaid on.  She was fine with this.  Bear got a bandaid and within 10 minutes she was asleep.  I somehow escaped the whole "what about a patch for stuffy talk" the following evening. 

On Wednesday while she was in the tub, she asked about a patch.  Ugh...a  patch.  Where am I going to get a patch?  I open the closet door and dig out a shirt she has outgrown, run to the kitchen to cut a piece from it.  The last thing I want her to see is me cutting up a shirt.  No good can come from that.   As she is laying in bed that evening, she again asks about the patch and says she wants to see it.  I am sure she wanted to see if I was bluffing...hee hee!  I grab the patch and bring it to her while she is laying in bed and guess what?  She recognizes the shirt (patch) and now starts crying because her shirt is "broken" and why did I cut it.  After she calmed a little, I told her I would pick her up from daycare on Thursday and we would go shopping for a new t-shirt.  She has forgiven me for cutting her shirt and is pretty tickled she got a new one in return.  I can't believe all this and she isn't even 4 yet. HA!

Here is teddy with a hole

removing the bandaid.

getting the measurements for a patch.

All better.  Everyone is happy!

                                                                    The end.


I have finally completed my first real crochet project.  I am really surprised at how much I enjoy it and how relaxing it really is.  Here is a hat and scarf that I made for J.  Notice the little pockets on the scarf.  I am quite proud of them.  Is that wrong? hee hee!

Oh before I forget, the winner of a print is Cathy, Kirsten, Kim and Jenn. Way to go girls!!!  Let me know what you would like.                                                                                                                                


Kirsten said...

I'm a winner!!! whooo hoooo!!!

Love the teddy bear story

Cathy W said...

The scarf and hat turned out awesome! Can't wait to see the next project :o)

JennC said...

You did a fabulous job on your hat and scarf! I love the pockets!!

Yay!! I won!!! :D