Friday, October 8, 2010

girls + chatting + food + shopping = fun

For the 3rd year in a row, a group of girls (3 or 4 of us) head to the US for some much needed fun time.  We have lots of laughs, eat lots of yummy food, talk until late in the night and shop til we drop but most of all we get to spend lots of quality time together.  It's the one time of the year we are free to speak without having to watch for little ears who may be listening in.  It has become a tradition that I look forward to every year.

Seeing as it is Flashback Friday,  I thought I would share with you what I bought on our first trip.  Can you tell I had little control...hee hee!  Luckily for me, I have since learned that just because it fits in the cart, it does not mean it needs to come home with me. HA!  Have a great weekend everyone.

I was pretty excited about this purchase.  What little girl doesn't need a pink Christmas tree of her very own for her bedroom.

Some of the ornaments I picked up for it the first year.  Aren't the the cutest?  I did get more last year and do not need anymore this year (that's a little mental note...hee hee!). 

And here is everything I came home with.  A very successful shopping trip indeed.

1 comment:

JennC said...

I knew we were meant to be "bosom friends"!! I have those same AirWalks and tend to favour MJ's too. ;o)

I will be in the lookout for a pink tree this year. I think M is finally old enough to have one of her own.

You ladies have a wonderful time state side and don't do anything I wouldn't do... heh heh heh.